Council Information
St Ishmael Community Council serves an area of 1792 hectares, with villages and hamlets including Ferryside, Llansaint, Broadlay and Broadway.
St Ishmael Community Council is made up of twelve elected members, consisting of seven from the Ferryside ward, three from the Llansaint ward and two from the Picton Ward. (The rest of the St Ishmael community) The members stand for office every four years. The County Council is represented on the Community Council by the St Ishmaels and Llandyfaelog Ward member.
St Ishmael Community Council meets on the first Tuesday of every month, except August, * to discuss current matters arising in the village. The duties include the general state of repair and safety of the villages, review of planning applications, and of course, any issues which the public bring to the attention of the Community Council. We work closely with Carmarthenshire County Council and One Voice Wales, to make our beautiful area a pleasant place to live and to provide a welcoming place for visitors.
The council employs a part-time Clerk, who is the Council's Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer under the Local Government Act 1972. The Clerk and four Councillors are bilingual and are able to deal with questions from the public in Welsh or English. The administrative work of the Community Council is undertaken entirely by the Clerk and all official telephone calls are conducted through her.
The constitution of the Council can be viewed by
contacting the Clerk.
any exceptions or extraordinary meetings will be published in advance